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5929 Ridge Lake Cir, Vero Beach, FL 32967-2939

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If you run a 501 © 3 non profit then you know getting your message out, no matter how great your cause may be, is one tough job, it’s not a “Day at the Beach” as they say. The objective for all nonprofits is to HELP someone or something but to do that well it also means your supporters have to grow and your donations need to increase.

Our software applications can help you do just that, all people across this land want to send a message to their lawmakers, they want to get involved even more by doing their own Polls, doing a Petition, making sure your CAUSE is heard and respected. Our parent company, Freedom Fate, Inc. is a 501 © 3 and partnering up with us for the better good of all is a great idea for all. Please peruse our entire site, try out our applications and then drop me a line and I will tell you the rest of the story…


Nick Nolter
Managing Director
[email protected]


    Questions about trump's presidency, trumpsback mobile version


    Petition your public servants on issues that matters to you


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